Book a Show
We at kenny’s Castaways are proud to be a part of the music scene and welcome acts from all backgrounds.
To book a Show
Shoot an email to us at
Please include:
- Links (Soundcloud, Facebook, Reverberation, Your official website)
- Dates your interested in playing.
- Any bands you know or want to play with (the more on the bill, the more fun it will be)
- Promotional materials (flyers, logos, mixes)

PA System
TVs that can be used for music video release parties, visualizations, etc
Sound Engineer
2 DI Boxes
12 Inputs
PROFX16 Mixer
Multiple monitors
Yamaha P4SB Digital Piano (with a stand and bench)
7 XLR Cables
1 1/4″ instrumental cable
1 Lead Vocal Mic: Shure SM58-LC Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone
6 mic stands
6 vocal mics
2 instrument mics
The drums will also be mic’ed
Bugera V22HD Infinium through a Guitar Cabinet
Gallien-Kruger 1×15” 200W Ultra Light Combo w/ Horn Bass Amp
1 Drum Kit (please bring your own cymbals, hi hat clutch, plus additional cymbal stands if you need more
than two)
Drum Shield
If you use backtracks, you will have to bring a phone with your tracks on it or a laptop – the venue does not
have CD player. You will also need to bring a conversion cable with you 1/8″ –> XLR will work.